Ha that’s all i needed for Mesh type!
the .cam files/nodes only exist in .cmp file that are used for cockpits, for example in:
There is a node called “cockpit cam020620232716.cam”, which is the cockpits .cam node, in it, it has fovx, fovy, Znear and Zfar values and i need to know what these do.
Also looking at the manhatten cityscape there is a MaterialAnim node, i’m guessing this is a whole new can of worms, does anyone understand Material Animation?
So the question’s are:
What does sort of movement does the sphere node control.
What does the Offset do in the Revs node?
What does the bounding box do in VMeshRef?
Are the values in the Axis rotate a decimal percentage of the measure written in the frames?
Does freelancer actually use the switch2 values for LoD switching, or are they just ignored for the value in the ini’s?
Mesh type, still don’t know what that does (sorry adoxa, understood surface though!)
The .cam node and everything that is under it, that is just the values for the camera when in cockpit mode right? Can you explain how they work?