• Rules, disclaimers, news it’s all in here!

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    Regarding the SVN problem: My suggestion is to start the SVN server, check each repo out with git SVN brigde (e.g. Tortoisegit has it integrated right into the clone dialog) and then upload it as a git repo. You can have the full history from SVN this way. You just need to do this correctly. I have some SVN repos checked out as git repo just before it got shut down this way. But not all of them.

  • Discussion not limited to Freelancer-related topics.

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    Hey bud, Glock sent me a message a couple of years ago on the old starport site. We abused each other in the usual manner, as is custom, and that was the last I spoke to him.

    He was still running Asylum51 a few years ago, but it wasn’t FL related. I think it was a forum for batshit crazies to voice their concerns about socialist trouser weasels, he was off his meds at that time I suspect.

    I like to believe he and Deacon rode off into the sunset together on their bikes whistling Dixie, and lived happily ever after. The status of Lewis and the other horsemen is unknown.

  • Modding discussion, support and showcasing.

    19 Topics
    93 Posts

    Hi guys, me again 😄

    Could changing equip = infinite_power on NPC load-outs to a normal player ship reactor cause some issues? Would there be some CTD because NPC ships could suddenly have not enough power to shoot if they go all crazy? Will AI count with “limited power = spare some shots” ?

    The same goes for NPC shields. If I change all NPCs to use normal shields like a player, is there some hidden problem that could occur? Why would vanilla have NPC shield equipment anyway?

    Thank you!! 🙂

  • For tool-related and client/server plugin development discussion.

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    Github - Contacts - Example of usage in Github CI

    The tool offers

    Parses all game configs, and runs its sets of validation. By default package of validations to ensure this Freelancer folder game data is compatible with Darkstat list is expandable further. Darklint is able to format configs to more uniform way like having all specified parameters bringing to lower case. Or writing all sections [Section] in same way or it can round all floating numbers to exact same format. it uses ORM library fl-configs able to map all data for reading and writing back using Data structs to do that
    so it is functionality easy to expand further. See formmater package for expanding. Additionally it is capable to supply human readable comments to config objects/sections for easier navigating ini configs denormalizer module is responsible for this for example all [Base] entities in universe.ini file receive comment what is their infocard name right in a config file
  • A read-only archive of the old Xoops forums. If you’d like a topic to be moved from the archive into the live forums, please let us know.

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    Of the mods I have Evolutions 1.30, flrebalance 3.55 (full) and Just For Fun v3 have a ship called “Raven”. The first and last are in the download archive; there’s 3.50 of flrebalance, which I think still has it.