Single player - Next mission requirements
Story Level (look at storylvl.cpp for usage).
It doesn’t… it’s all there in the mission files… but its very hard to isolate, Adoxa’s plugin takes care of that massive headache for such a small task… much like the rest of his hack/type .dlls (not extensions)
Thank you (again) adoxa, and eveyone else too.
one more question tho… should my Freelancer.ini look like this:
[Initial SP DLLs]
path = …\dlls\bin
DLL = Content.dll, GameSupport, HIGHEST
; required to operate gates and docks
; required to create ships in space
DLL = Content.dll, SpaceSupport, NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BaseSupport, NORMALDLL = Content.dll, StoryLauncher, BELOW_NORMAL ;story/static missions
DLL = Content.dll, SpacePop, LOWEST ;populator
DLL = Content.dll, AISandbox, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, TestAutomation, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BasePop, LOWEST
DLL = storylvl.dllim loading this with a mod using flmm1.3, so will i need to use some special method to load storylvl?
i keep getting a crash
i saw another post by adoxa saying if it was being loaded with flmm, you place the storylvl.dll in the EXE folder and change the path. I get the impression i need an XML script to set this.
Unfortunately, FLMM assumes every DLL is a resource DLL, so that’s probably what’s causing your crash. Until v2 comes out (getting there!), just changing the extension might be easiest. Another possibility might be you’re using 1.0 content.dll; in theory I support it, but I only ever test with 1.1.
adoxa wrote:
Unfortunately, FLMM assumes every DLL is a resource DLL….Does it? I use FLMM 1.4 and it doesn’t take EVERY dll as a resources, it takes only those which are not included in Dacom.ini (or at least thats how it seems, since my mod doesn’t crash with all the plugins…).
Sorry to bump an old topic.
Are the levels the player reaches themselves (i.e the moments you level up in the story, so begin and end of a mission) also hardcoded or can I find them in rankdiff.ini? -
Gold_Sear wrote:
Sorry to bump an old topic.
Are the levels the player reaches themselves (i.e the moments you level up in the story, so begin and end of a mission) also hardcoded or can I find them in rankdiff.ini?The reason I’m asking is that I’m trying to fix the difference in levels between player and NPCs, which seems to be 2 to 1 roughly. But anyway, thanks adoxa (all hail!)
Aha that’s how rankdiff.ini works… Thanks for pointing that out adoxa