Adoxa's "Territory" and "Zone" plugins
I added those zones to fp7_system (originally li01, but the bottom two zones were swamped by existing zones). Jumped to the center of each, got the expected entered message; jumped out, got the expected left message. The flashing name is probably related, in that it sees overlapping zones, the first resets and only the last gets displayed. Should have been fixed with the above attachment, but it’s always possible I missed something else. Looks like I’m going to need the entire file.
The first test I made, though, did give me a blank name. That’s because my %Zv name remapping only works with standard zone ids, or with Names installed.
I then added unnamed zones before and after.
[zone] nickname = empty_zone1 pos = 90000, 0, 25000 shape = SPHERE size = 4800 [zone] ids_name = 261208 nickname = zone_Li07_pop_colorado_gate pos = 90000, 0, 15000 shape = SPHERE size = 4800 [zone] nickname = empty_zone2 pos = 90000, 0, -25000 shape = SPHERE size = 4800
Jumped to the named zone, got the entered message; no message jumping to either of the other zones.
adoxa wrote:
Looks like I’m going to need the entire file.I just realized: my Li07 is actually Rho3 mirrored, altered, and expanded upon (systemwide ast.field and nebula). Maybe you could use that to test? Altho the issue-zones are added by me, not inherent ones….
In a rush, gotta go!
Btw, would the sort = parameter be of any influence on Zone’s functioning?
Just send me the ids_name-edited file and let me test the same thing you’re testing.
adoxa wrote:
Just send me the ids_name-edited file and let me test the same thing you’re testing.Done
Okay. I found the first three zones above (using 9, 8 and H) to work as expected. The last zone (G) showed up as blank. Aha! However, that was due to the edited ids_name being overridden by its original (590037). Removing that showed the new name of that zone (Zone_Li07_Quarry_West) - it has spacedust, so was given precedence over Zone_Li07_Fargo_exclusion. I didn’t experience repeated names.
Now, after all that, I rewrote Zone so that it initially displays all the zones you’re in, in decreasing order of size. It also treats a name of a single space as no name (for those tradelane zones) and fixes the remapping.
@ Adoxa: okay, cool!! And thanx again
Its caused by some of the vanilla tradelane zones having an ids_name specified. deleting the line (or adding your own specifics) cures it and tadelane zones dont really need names, also Zone_Bw01_Tradelane_1 has the same issue - maybe more haven’t checked through them all yet.
message is 60246 in resources
as in you have “left” zone
not because its a left tradelane ring
edited for writing bs -
Thaddeus wrote:
Its caused by some of the vanilla tradelane zones having an ids_name specified. deleting the line (or adding your own specifics) cures it and tadelane zones dont really need names, also Zone_Bw01_Tradelane_1 has the same issue - maybe more haven’t checked through them all yet.Thanks!!
I had a crash earlier at the exact same point, so I figured I had run into something big. (That was in another version of my mod, in which I had added like 50 ‘ghost systems’, being just Universe NavMap dots, without any .ini files.)
Thaddeus wrote:
message is 60246 in resourcesWeird, I couldn’t find it with FLED-IDs. Oh wait, iirc FLED-IDs doesn’t check resources.dll. I thought common.dll was the relevant one that was missing, so I used Hex Workshop to look into it. Totally forgot about resources.dll. Why can’t FLED-IDs look into it anyway?
Thaddeus wrote:
as in you have “left” zonenot because its a left tradelane ring
edited for writing bsLol.
Reminds me I still gotta try swapping those trade lane rings 90°. It would make more sense if they were juxtaposed horizontally. Then Liberty and Rheinland should have Right lanes, and Bretonia and Kusari Left lanes
Moonhead wrote:
Weird, I couldn’t find it with FLED-IDs. Oh wait, iirc FLED-IDs doesn’t check resources.dll. I thought common.dll was the relevant one that was missing, so I used Hex Workshop to look into it. Totally forgot about resources.dll. Why can’t FLED-IDs look into it anyway?FLED-IDs only reads the dlls specified in the in [Resources] of the corresponding freelancer.ini.
So adding “DLL = resources.dll” in that section will do the job.Moonhead wrote:
Reminds me I still gotta try swapping those trade lane rings 90°. It would make more sense if they were juxtaposed horizontally. Then Liberty and Rheinland should have Right lanes, and Bretonia and Kusari Left lanesAFAIK there are issues with this… because the ship will bank/spin/turn its vertical axis to that of the vanilla-vertical-Tradelane and such… Don´t know if this has been already fixed…
Greetings J.R.
J.R. wrote:
Moonhead wrote:
Reminds me I still gotta try swapping those trade lane rings 90°. It would make more sense if they were juxtaposed horizontally. Then Liberty and Rheinland should have Right lanes, and Bretonia and Kusari Left lanesAFAIK there are issues with this… because the ship will bank/spin/turn its vertical axis to that of the vanilla-vertical-Tradelane and such… Don´t know if this has been already fixed…
Greetings J.R.
The idea is to import the model into Milkshape, rotate it, export it, then do all the hardpoints.
But to be honest I ain’t sure whether I still can install a working copy of Milkshape! Iirc, the FL plugins only work up to a certain version, and I did lose some of my FL utils and data.
I can confirm that horizontal trade lanes work just fine. We’re using them in Broken Bonds.
As to the to subject at hand. We’ve been using the Territory plugin for a while, and the update is very much welcome. As always, adoxa, awesome stuff!
In my mod the Galileo System is not independent but devided as shown in the image (the blue circles are dark matter clouds, and the red line is the interterritorial border).
So when you enter from the Shikoku gate you’re in Kusari, and when you enter from the Colorado gate you’re in Liberty.
If this is the case, in any system (even if it’s crossed by multiple interterritorial borders), would it be possible to expand the territory plugin, or somehow different, to show a message when you enter another territory within the system?
Have you tried to add named zones which are named, for example “Galileo-System, Kusari” etc.?
Thanks for your reply. But I mean a message is only shown when you enter/leave territory, not for any zone.
For example, when a zone has comment = Territory.
I don’t think Zone is quite suited to this, but that’s more how it would work - entering the system would have the normal message, then it would show the territory. I think it could be specified something like:
[System] ; I hope a simple 2d-style border is enough. border = x1,z1, x2,z2[, ...] ; line segments of the border territory = Name ; actual name of this territory pos = x, z ; indicate which side of the border it's on territory_id = id ; id of another territory pos = x, z ; optional for the last ; a three-way split would duplicate each common path ; x1,z1 ; | ; x2,z2 ; / \ ; x3,z3 x4,z4 border = x1,z1, x2,z2, x3,z3 border = x1,z1, x2,z2, x4,z4 border = x3,z3, x2,z2, x4,z4 ```However, I still don't know if I actually want to do it…
It was just an idea that popped into my head to expand the possibilities of the ‘territory’ plugin, but do not implement it because it may get buggy (see my next post)nice format though
adoxa wrote:
I don’t think Zone is quite suited to this, but that’s more how it would work - entering the system would have the normal message, then it would show the territory. I think it could be specified something like:
[System] ; I hope a simple 2d-style border is enough. border = x1,z1, x2,z2[, ...] ; line segments of the border territory = Name ; actual name of this territory pos = x, z ; indicate which side of the border it's on territory_id = id ; id of another territory pos = x, z ; optional for the last ; a three-way split would duplicate each common path ; x1,z1 ; | ; x2,z2 ; / \ ; x3,z3 x4,z4 border = x1,z1, x2,z2, x3,z3 border = x1,z1, x2,z2, x4,z4 border = x3,z3, x2,z2, x4,z4
However, I still don’t know if I actually want to do it…
About this, it may get buggy when the border lines overlap, see the image below (I apologize for not seeing this earlier). The game crashes or a third (nameless) territory would be created instead.
Anyhow, thanks for showing some detailed results regarding the code to specify the borders. Hope it doesn’t have bothered you too much?