GE Storm Test
StarTrader wrote:
We’re so used to exaggerated cinematics that we can’t tell the real thing when we see it, and want more of the “duff” lies to watch! lolYour example is bit extreme…… I just want a gorgeous graph…
SolCommand wrote:
If you end up in a snow storm, your ship may crash :))I don’t want LS works so hard…but to solve this problem, a heating system must have.
How come I can never see your videos…
Is there something I need to DL?
Odd that is happening, it is a wmv video. What browser are you using? I use IE and the Windows Media Player plugin was a 1 time installation.
Embedded WMVs have a tendency to fail on everything but IE - go figure…
Just download the files and view them directly.
Easy way to get it is simply do a properties on it and get the following…
It’s great that you want to create a own game engine, but I’m really sorry to say, that everything I saw so far is not better than anything in FL.
Give the guy a break, he’s just getting started. You’re only looking at tech demos, not a game.
Well think of it like this, FL was in development for 6-7 years, this has been in development as of 3 days from now 6 months.
Skotty. wrote:
It’s great that you want to create a own game engine, but I’m really sorry to say, that everything I saw so far is not better than anything in FL.Except that the entire source of this game is with the author and he’s currently working on it!
Why is there always someone ready with a bucket of cold water?
Why is there always someone ready with a bucket of cold water?
It’s a common theme on the net, look at alot of the youtube comments on many of the videos. I don’t let it bother me and I keep a warm towel handy
At least he is being honest since he has never played the game, it has alot more at this time than FL does even though it’s nowhere near finished. Most of the time all I get is blatent BS.
LancerSolurus wrote:
Easy way to get it is simply do a properties on it and get the following…Thanks for that
Looks good, although at first I was going “rain in space?” before I saw the ground
As for graphics and looking good - anyone else play Minecraft? That game shows more starkly than anything else in recent years that graphics do not matter as much as people often think
LancerSolurus wrote:
At least he is being honest since he has never played the game.Exactly! He has not played it. So this is BS too, Skotty.
I was being nice earlier.
Sorry that I just wrote my opinion for this project so far. It seems to be forbidden to criticize something.
Maybe at any time, when the project is done, I will praise LS for his work, but not now. -
Skotty. wrote:
Sorry that I just wrote my opinion for this project so far. It seems to be forbidden to criticize something.
Maybe at any time, when the project is done, I will praise LS for his work, but not now.Do you think that is too late to praising? I believe the praise should be give then it’s at difficult time to keep someone continue to work on it if the work is in right way. LS’s engine looks very good, and if you compare it with FLEngine, just think when the time you want to add function to Freelancer, and you need to know LS can do almost anything he want in he’s engine. So be patiently to see a new thing glowing up.
Well the part I don’t get is then, why post a video about rain etc? I am also writing my own game engine, but you won’t see anything from it (unless you know me), even though I could show the graphics and physics (I get very positive feedback). I guess Skotty’s point is: Why make videos if there is not much to see. Or in my case to play ^^.
For me the release of any media is something like a request for feedback. My feedback was not positive, because for me it’s not so special.
C’mon guys, it’s a tech demo! He’s building this engine himself from scratch, as he gives the engine new features he’s just showing a demonstration of them working.
What you should do is use your imagination a little. What I take from this is that the engine has the ability to allow a ship to fly through space, see a planet, fly to it, descend through an atmosphere and then when planetside experience weather conditions. That’s all positive stuff.
Timmy51m wrote:
What you should do is use your imagination a little. What I take from this is that the engine has the ability to allow a ship to fly through space, see a planet, fly to it, descend through an atmosphere and then when planetside experience weather conditions. That’s all positive stuff.
I like LS a lot, and I like what he’s doing too - but if this were true, shouldn’t it be shown in just that fashion?
I haven’t watched all the videos, maybe it already has been shown
Needless to say, looking forward to seeing more LS
See, this is what I mean, no imagination.