Haven’t looked too closely at it, yet, but the function used to obtain the reputation info (Reputation::Vibe::GetGroupFeelingsTowards) always returns 0 in MP.
Speciality Modding
no description available
Navmap Patrol Path Rep Filter
Locked6 -
Theres Multicruise, but …
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EXE offset: Bot/Bat HUD limit
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Navmap asteroid field/nebula texture
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EXE Offset Gurus: Paths Offset
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Jump Coords
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Bloom Settings
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ENB Series - Resident Evil
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8-Way Strafe
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Changing Version Number
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Player DeathDrop
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Multiple Engines/Power Sources
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Interface Generic Info
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Making F1 behave as in SP
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Question about offset 0xEDB44
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Custom engine
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Where are the downl;oads
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