True & True… and re-hardpointing isn’t very fun if you nailed it down the first time nice and tight… :evil: or someone else has…
Just thought I’d throw that info out there… I basically wrote that for myself (for my vista PC) due to the help file not being V compatible…
as I was clicking “save” I had the thought others may have been stumped by this proggy and decided to load it here as well 😉
F!R’s method works exactly the same… and is possibly what could be called the “right” way, especially if the model is still warm out of the oven… before all that delicious HP icing is added…
But… how many of us have gone and yahoo’d our way through nights of model conversion… only to find out latter… we fudged our texture names, or in my case for about my first 30 conversions, had no clue (lol) about CRC texture confilcts…
even better… and i just love this one…
Your flying in (testing) your mod… and all of a sudden… NPC’s that should be in another (custom) ship, are now flying the exact (custom) ship you are flying… great cause for a mighty “WHAT THE &@*#”
Both ways work great… depends what stage the ships at really, always better to do F!R’s method in the first place, but as i stated in post 1 not everyone has ms3d… & its nice to have a another option if stuck for a fix 😄