Modeling and Texturing

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230 Topics 4.8k Posts
  • Can i get some hitbox help?

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    28 Posts

    so i tested the ship in combat
    i took the ship and died several times without any fl crash
    the npc with this ship died without any fl crashes

    i can give you the ship, so you can test on your server ?
    or give me one and i test by myself

  • Uv mapping

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    Oh, as student you can also get Win 2003 Server edition for free:

  • Ms3d problem creating faces

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    5 Posts

    That’s it, thanks Bejaymac! Solves the problem.

  • Problem about sur(hitbox) for single object

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    9 Posts

    Yeah, I was experimenting with that and forgot to erase it for the picture above, just disregard the text on that pic ;-(

    These things are handy to know if you continue modeling for FL, they’ll come in handy on cap ships, bases, complex ships, and other nifty eye candy. So it’s worth knowing for sure. I’m still attempting to get my arse in gear to practice the multi VMesh merged CMP myself. Need to put LS’s CMP editor scripting to use and attempt assembling the huge, broken up UI model.

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Ok, I have never done any sort of modding with ships models, but i really like what foxUnit01 did…

    I wanted to do something alongside this lines, just add a fin or a engine here and there…Basically to change things that are already there.

    Please someone can explain what to do? What tools are used? Or simple point me a tutorial for this kind of ship editing?

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Link no longer works could this be updated I would love to see this video

  • 0 Votes
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    I’d like to echo Forsaken and Gibbon; it’s good to even have a naming convention, something like


    (Your convention may vary)

    The point is that by keeping the same convention, you are absolutely sure you’ll never have two identical groups. The same goes for texture names.

  • 10 Steps to cloning models

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    4 Posts

    True & True… and re-hardpointing isn’t very fun if you nailed it down the first time nice and tight… :evil: or someone else has…

    Just thought I’d throw that info out there… I basically wrote that for myself (for my vista PC) due to the help file not being V compatible…
    as I was clicking “save” I had the thought others may have been stumped by this proggy and decided to load it here as well 😉

    F!R’s method works exactly the same… and is possibly what could be called the “right” way, especially if the model is still warm out of the oven… before all that delicious HP icing is added…

    But… how many of us have gone and yahoo’d our way through nights of model conversion… only to find out latter… we fudged our texture names, or in my case for about my first 30 conversions, had no clue (lol) about CRC texture confilcts…

    even better… and i just love this one…
    Your flying in (testing) your mod… and all of a sudden… NPC’s that should be in another (custom) ship, are now flying the exact (custom) ship you are flying… great cause for a mighty “WHAT THE &@*#”

    Both ways work great… depends what stage the ships at really, always better to do F!R’s method in the first place, but as i stated in post 1 not everyone has ms3d… & its nice to have a another option if stuck for a fix 😄

  • Sur file issue

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    Thx for that. Now if only i could understand what he means. Half the problem is that it uses the old command prompt, wtf?

  • Ship Model - Normandy

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    8 Posts

    The proportions on yours are wrong, if it wasn’t for the texture you might think it’s remodeled after the original.? it looks fat. What did you use to export it?
    I couldn’t get the SR1 logo on mine, the texture was bad I think and I didn’t want to make it in photoshop…makes it look…less branded :))

  • Nomad Heavy Fighter

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  • Modular Stations Addons

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    This might be exactly what I need. Do you have a tutorial or know how to create complex ships that you can split into several parts and then attach them back so that they make 1 ship in FL…. like the Osiris battleship…it’s made out of several components…how do I do that…the modeling is no problem…the parts are already done…how do I go about attaching them in the correct position in FL?

    Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

  • Hardpointing Planets

    0 Votes
    12 Posts

    If he provides a tutorial I’ll buy him his own personal banana company

    On a side note, I think I’m going to do away with docking rings, as from what I can tell from my tinkering, I could extend the dock to the same size of the atmosphere and position it right in the center.

    That way someone would just have to be quite close to the planet and hit dock and off to the landing sequence, yes?

    Even our space vessels can enter the atmosphere, and they don’t even have shields so I always thought that a bit silly really!

  • Modify Hud

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    3 Posts

    The layout of the HUD is pretty much hardcoded into Freelancer.exe. FL Hack has some basic HUD options, letting you change the order/color/solidity of the power/shield/hull status gauges, as well as reversing the meaning (instead of starting full and decreasing to empty, they start empty and increase to full). Back on TLR, someone requested an “alternative” HUD, which would place those gauges in the center of the screen, in a “U” shape. I made a prototype, which put the shield status vertically on the left and hull on the right, just inside the hit indicator (on a 1024x768 screen). There was no response, though, so it never developed any further (I didn’t like it, myself, and it’d need a bit of work, so they don’t stay on top of dialogs). Still, if anyone wants a look, I’ve attached it. It’s an older version of FL Hack; there’s no option for the HUD, so you’ll have to restart to get rid of it.

  • Q for Bejay on DmgCaps

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    TBH I’m not exactly sure what your on about ???

    The CMP & 3DB have no part to play in damage sensing, they’re only real funtion is as a place to hang the texture ;D. It’s the SUR and [CollisionGroup] that do the hard work of damage control, if either of those isn’t working right then damage wont be passed around properly.
    I’ve only ever done destructibles on what I concider player flyable ships, ie ones that fit inside a dreadnaughts docking bay without sticking through it. Because of this I use the Shield Bubble setting on the exporter rather than the splicer, as it gives me exactly the SUR construction required for destrucibles (IMHO).

    The damage cap’s are nothing more than a cork to fill a hole in the mesh, I have no idea if they take damage and pass it on to the Root as I’m usually to busy trying not to die to notice :P. Even when testing my own it’s hard to tell what damage is coming from where, I park outside Buffalo and let the base & 8 or 9 rogues/outcasts pound the crap out of it, I’ve seen them being hit, just no idea if they pass on damage or not ( to many shots hitting at the same time to tell).

    Just so everyone knows, I haven’t done anything with Freelancer since I did SURs for Gibbon’s Galactica 2.0 mod, info your getting is from my memory, and it’s not as good as it used to be 😛

  • Special planet with CMP or 3db?

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    34 Posts



    Call me slow here but why would you have double? You have the cmp/mat, and a sur/sph. No other entries required, one entry in solararch and your system ini, job done

    Ah… I understood cheesy’s post a bit different than I should have!? You simply make the entries in solararch.ini


    nickname = planet_earth_3000
    ids_name = 60203
    ids_info = 60204
    type = PLANET
    DA_archetype = solar\planets\planet_earth\planet_earth_3000.sph –— Like this?
    material_library = solar\planets\planet_earth.cmp ----- Like this?
    mass = 1000000
    solar_radius = 3000
    shape_name = NNM_SM_MEDIUM_FOREST_MOON
    LODranges = 0, 1000000000

    Or am I wrong again?

    Er, not wrong, just confused

    Try this,

    nickname = planet_the_moon
    ids_name = 60203
    ids_info = 60204
    type = PLANET
    DA_archetype = SOLAR\SOL\MOON\The_Moon.cmp <–----- I did a seperate cmp and mat file but mat can be in cmp as well
    material_library = SOLAR\SOL\MOON\The_Moon.mat<-------- If mat is in cmp then use cmp at end of this line instead of mat
    material_library = solar\planets\atmosphere.txm <---------------- This line and the next assumes you are using an sph for atmospheres so can be left out
    material_library = solar\planets\planet_crater\planet_crater.mat
    mass = 10000000
    LODranges = 0, 1000000
    solar_radius = 5250
    shape_name = NNM_SM_MEDIUM_ROCKY_MOON

  • Why on New London does this happens to me???

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    6 Posts

    As handy as the cloner is, it’s a major PITA to get your clone to work right.

    I did a tutorial on how to get a clean clone out of it, but I’m damned if I can remember were it is or if I even posted it.

    not only do you need the cloner, you also need the UTF edit, a hex editor & a CRC calc.

  • Mesh polygon reduction

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    16 Posts


    I think you need to try Vizup.

    heres the link

    Trial version doesnt save, but i guess its worth seeing if it does the job for you first.

    …And they want $100+ for the registration!


  • New animation

    0 Votes
    106 Posts

    i’m looking for a list of all animations available …
    i don’t remember where i have allready see it …

    if someone have a list, please

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