Speciality Modding

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391 Topics 4.5k Posts
  • Numeric shield/hull display - any hack?

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    25 Posts

    RimShot wrote:
    from flhack documentation:

    Target’s damage numerically
    Places the actual value of the damage beside the gauges, hull on the left and shield on the right. Usually it will display level with the gauges, but it might be off sometimes. (BTW, armor upgrades will reduce damage, rather than actually increase hull strength; shields are at 85% of their capacity [reduced by the offline_threshold value].)

    Thanks RimShot, i only used numeric.dll plugin and looked at numeric.c for Installation, never thought on looking for the documentation in flhack cause it´s a Ripoff.

  • Rotation in .thn files

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    yes, the matrix shown is only an orientation matrix. the position is stored separately by another three values array of the entity.

  • Unused .sur's

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    7 Posts

    oZed wrote:

    The fright_car was probably one of these ‘cars’ where the train’s cargo pods are attached to.

  • Multithreading done right

    0 Votes
    32 Posts

    Hehe, nvm 🙂

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts

    depending on how many objects there are in your mod, that players would destroy and depending on whether there are lots of players who are willing to cut down all their enemies’ bases to flat land.

  • 0 Votes
    12 Posts

    I’m going to turn this into a full hack request. I think this kind of nebula could be extremely useful in creating a new form of major scenery in a system, but the lod limit is a major downside, since it prevents both planets, suns and any kind of large object inside the field from appearing beyond a certain range.

    I’m still interested in a hack that will not turn off star spines in asteroid fields and(or) nebulae as well, since I think that this is part of the reason why some stars don’t show up at all outside of a fogless nebula.

  • Hack Request: Explosion Frame of Reference

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    7 Posts

    Is there a way to add the emitters speed while emitting the particle to a unparented particle, so that burning effects for example do only leave trails while accelerating or turning the ship which would be more logical?

  • 0 Votes
    20 Posts

    I’m back here after long long long time… I tried LS’s idea but im not sure it’s good for me, so i back here to continue this topic.

    Back to the way, the question is: why my cash back to $0 when my cash over $2.1b?

    I believe that’s because the maximum of long int is 2147483647, if we over the nunmber, application will overflow, but because of mem protect, it be assign to 0 for safe. And the 0 will be save to your char file.

    So the problem because of those overflow? I don’t think so. For test it, i change all of the value in 101 to 100,000,000 so we very hardly to touch $2.1b, but when i set 100,000,000 cashs to my char and sell some goods, i still be kick. Then i logon, the cash rollback to 100,000,000.

    Let’s back to the question, you may found the step of sell-then-0 is:

    Your worth over the limit in server.dll -> You sold something from your cargo in a base ->Log off / launch -> (FLServer save your profile) -> Kick you.

    Notice that FLServer saved your profile, and if you really cheating, your profile will not be save when log off or launch.

    Bases on this test, i believe there is something we not found. that things should like a safety nunmber to test if player’s cash will lead overflow i guess.

    PS, i found something in Content.dll. Address is A9DE8 and A9F75 use Hex string searching(“FF C9 9A 3B”), the value in those address also “999999999” in longint, but nothing change after i edit them to my max cash nunmber. Is this just a coincidence?

    EDIT, Found the address doing: HERE it is.

    Continue test…

    Worth 1501,081,572 Sell 1000 (Ammos) To 1501,080,572 Remain 1500,000,000 Good Worth 1501,080,572 Sell 1400 (Ammos) To 1501,079,179 Remain 1500,000,000 Good Worth 1501,079,179 Sell 1600 (Ammos) To 1501,077,572 Kicked Worth [b]1501,079,172[/b] Sell 1520 (Ammos) To 1501,077,652 Remain 1500,000,000 Good Worth 1501,077,652 Sell 1125 (Goods) To 1501,077,427 Kicked
  • Additional equipment slots - any plugin?

    0 Votes
    29 Posts

    LancerSolurus wrote:
    There is no difference between turrets and guns, it’s how you mount them that makes the difference. The only difference is between a fixed HP and a revolute HP…

    Well…bith guns and turrets usually use revolute HPs (exception: weapons like the Liberty Cruisers forward gun). The difference is just the arc set in the HP itself.

    LancerSolurus wrote:
    NPC can only fire from fixed HPs if you mix the 2 types together. If you want them to use all of the guns/turrets, make them either one type or the other (fixed/revolute).

    What do you mean with this? In my mod I have a Liberty Cruiser that succesfully uses both turrets and forward gun.

    One example where you could need nore than 20 weapon types: Use one class for every different turret type of every house’s gunships, cruisers, and battleships. By this I mean that the different ships don’t share HPs, and have multiple, e.g. you have Liberty BS Primary Turret, Liberty BS Secondary Turret and so on, and this is useful because the different turret models don’t fit on every slot. The Liberty BS Primary Turret’s model does not fit onto the Liberty BS Secondary Turret’s base. And it also doesn’t fit onte the Bretonia BS slots. Also this might solve balancing issues, as the different ships have their turrets placed on different spots, also they have different amounts of turrets, and different destructible parts. So you could fix this balacing issues by giving the different ships different guns. By using the different classes you can prevent turret exchanging, but enable different turrets for the same type of slot, e.g. a Laser and a missile launcher, both for the Liberty BS Primary slot. So please don’t say such many slots are useless, i think it would make the game nicer. Of course, if it’s not possible that’s a different thing.

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Yeah alright, i get your point about strafing. But i would still want to see engine performance decreased when a nozzel is destroyed, and i think the idea of utilising power wouldn’t work in this case since i am already using power as a key factor in other aspects (think thrusters, sheilds, armor and other items.)

    I think this would be best acheived through a plugin, what do you think?

  • Restart Order Mission Script

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  • Mission Holding

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    2 Posts


    can anyone in there spare time look for away to work this out?
    not to be a asshat or anything. just wanting to know.

  • Nova continues learning the ALE :D

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    Nova wrote:
    My final version of lasers in action

    Great job!

    Any ideas how to create such flash effect?

    Simple: Keep on the good job!

  • Changing dev stuff from in-game

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    4 Posts

    I hate the pre-installation options, thats why I look for something better to replace it.
    I agree, it is too much to make different HUD for every ship series, but it would be nice to have an option of changing the HUD without reinstalling the mod, which in this case takes a lot of time.

    It seems like just another pop-up idea, but actually I plan to execute it if I find out how.

  • Is the ALE as simple as it is?????

    0 Votes
    17 Posts

    Good, glad to hear it, these forums are for everyone to learn from each other. 😉

  • Change Load name

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Thank’s a lot all is ready 😉

  • Hack Request: Disable Mission Failed Pop-up

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    2 Posts

    In hindsight, I probably should have been more specific on my request, while including some background. I decided to take a look at Flak’s current FLHook in hopes of making missions a perfectly functional feature in multiplayer.

    After some help from Wodk4 in getting Hook to create instance, I made an admin command that spawns a mission instance on a player you select; it worked perfectly. With that fully working, the only remaining issue was multiple mission instances canceling each other out. To solve this, I figured there should only be one mission instance active on the server at all times. That means if someone tries to spawn an instance while another player is in a scripted mission, it’ll say “ERR: Mission in use”. With a check in place, I next made a command that any player could use to give themselves a mission instance if one were available with “/mission”. Again, with the check in place, it worked beautifully.

    Now to the present. I have to make a way for mission instances to kill themselves so that another player can use them; be it from either finishing a mission or not getting a mission within a time limit. Surprisingly, “Act_ChangeState = SUCCEED” and “Act_ChangeState = FAIL” didn’t crash the server. Making a mission succeed wouldn’t work, as any future instances would no longer be created since the mission was technically completed. Fail, on the other hand, could be used. When I hit a FAIL state, a pop-up screen similar to when you die shows up (with Respawn | New Player | New Server | Main Menu), but the best part is that it kills the instance, making it a practical applicant for killing instances. (Note: When you press “Respawn,” it works akin to pressing “New Player” in space and reconnecting with the same player.) Ideally, I’d want to just not show the Mission Failed pop-up so that it would just kill the instance.

    Sorry for the lack of background information and somewhat demanding demeanor. I was trying to keep it a surprise, but I figured I’m probably better off sharing the information since the Freelancer community is too small to hoard stuff.

    TL;DR: Practical missions.


    0 Votes
    80 Posts

    Take the default ALE and use ALE Editor or XML Project to extract them to editable format. Known syntax located here.

  • Weapon platforms question

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    Nice, thanks a lot! All works perfectly.

  • ALE and fading…

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    I just figured out of it, indeed it was an emitter being wrong. Thanks.