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The newcharacter ini type is used to define player data in multiplayer servers upon creation of a new character. It is very closely related to mpnewcharacter.fl found in the EXE folder.

Vanilla Examples

  • DATA\CHARACTERS\newcharacter.ini


Each of the following sections can only be written once in the order shown.

NOTICE: Tinkering with newcharacter.ini is often unreliable; Freelancer is very picky with this file and can cause odd bugs if modified.


nickname = STRING
body = STRING
comm = STRING
voice = STRING
body.anim = STRING
thumb = PATH
comm.anim = STRING, STRING
nicknameMust always match the value of Pilot in the Faction section.
bodyReference to a Costume (see costumes for available costumes). A male costume is suggested because of differences between the male and female skeletons.
voiceReference to a Voice (see voices for available voices). It is highly recommended to keep trent_voice, since the player's character has additional voice messages not defined in other voices.
body.animReference to a set of animations for the body. Sc_MLBODY_STND_000LV_A_31 is the default and recommended value.


nickname = STRING
strid_name = INT
strid_desc = INT
ship = STRING
loadout = STRING
money = INT
nicknameMust always match the value of Package in the Faction section.
strid_nameEmpty DLL reference (default is 11051)?
strid_descEmpty DLL reference (default is 11551)?
shipReference to a Ship (see ships for flyable ships).
loadoutReference to a Loadout (see loadouts in the Ships folder for ship loadouts) Remember the loadout must match the available hardpoints for the Ship defined above.
moneyStarting money. Cannot be higher than the maximum money limit (see server.dll for the multiplayer limit).


nickname = STRING
rep_group = STRING
base = STRING
Package = STRING
Pilot = STRING
nicknameMust always be new_player.
rep_groupDefault player reputation, matched from that of an existing faction (see groups for each faction's reputation).
baseStarting base (see universe for information on the existing bases).
PackageMust always match the nickname of the Package section.
PilotMust always match the nickname of the Pilot section.