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System Offsets


  • All offsets are for files from the official 1.1 patch.
  • Numbers are in hexadecimal, or suffixed to indicate their type:
ffloat4 bytes
ddouble8 bytes
iinteger4 bytes
bbyte1 byte (-128 to 127)

A value like "0F 85 -> 90 E9" means replace the original bytes on the left with the new bytes on the right. (The bytes are given in file order, they don't represent a number like the offset.)


Default ValueFileOffsetByDescription
05 7B -> 41 74common.dll0DAD24adoxaMake drag_modifier independent of interference/damage.
562500000000dserver.dll08B450foxSquare of distance from the center of the system over which your ship explodes in multiplayer (no 1.0 offset, this feature was added in 1.1).
6250000fserver.dll086AECfoxSquare of distance from the center of the system over which bases no longer wish you well when un-docking (note: this is the same number as NPC disappear distance - as long as you have a good NPC persistence range, loot_unseen_radius = (radius) and loot_unseen_life_time = (time outside radius) in constants.ini, increasing this is safe)
77->EBfreelancer.exe05B029M0tahForce "%s System." IDS (1373 in resources.dll) to be used for all system arrival text (no house is displayed).
83 FF FF FC FF 83 F8 -> AB 01 00 00 00 EB 2Ffreelancer.exe05B021M0tahMake the house in the system arrival text the system's IDS +1.
83 FF FF FC FF 83 F8 -> 9B 01 00 00 00 EB 2Dfreelancer.exe05B021M0tahMake system arrival text the system's IDS +1 (be sure to also change IDS 1373 to just "%s").
Multiplier for fill_dist in CmnAsteroid::CAsteroidField::near_field calculation, increase this to make FL render asteroid fields from greater distances.
7C -> EBcommon.dll0E698EadoxaSome planets keep on spinning.
C6 44 24 30 01 -> E9 47 FF FF FFcommon.dll0D670FadoxaSuns will honor visit flag.
7bcommon.dll0460A9adoxaMultiplier for max distance from the center of the system (x-axis) static asteroids will be spawned (07 = 130k, 08 = 260k, 09 = 520k, etc).
7bcommon.dll0460ACadoxaMultiplier for max distance from the center of the system (y-axis) static asteroids will be spawned (07 = 65k, 08 = 130k, 09 = 260k, etc).
7bcommon.dll0460AFadoxaMultiplier for max distance from the center of the system (z-axis) static asteroids will be spawned (07 = 130k, 08 = 260k, 09 = 520k, etc).
81 F9 -> EB 15common.dll0460B0w0dk4
Always render static asteroids.
90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
5B 31 C0 5E 83 04 E4 11 C2 08 00
content.dll04B101adoxaDon't append dash to msg_id_prefix in mbases.ini (Part 1).
5B 33 C0 5E C3 -> E9 79 FF FF FFcontent.dll04B183adoxaDon't append dash to msg_id_prefix in mbases.ini (Part 2).
D9 44 24 20 8B 15 9C 42 E3 04 D8 32 8B 07 -> D9 05 DE 97 42 00 8B 15 9C 42 01 05 8B 07server.dllA551VenemonChange zone damage from percentage to flat 100 per tick (higher the zone damage faster it applies)